Zodiac Stones for Taurus: 5 Crystals to Bring Out Your Strengths

The bull signifies might and impenetrability, but in reality, Taurus rules connection and love. Zodiac stones for Taurus open our hearts and fortify our faith.

After experiencing the major emergence into a new zodiac cycle in the last season, we shift into Taurus with fierce strength to charge ahead, but with some hesitancy to embrace too much change. Understanding Taurus energy allows us to move forward with purpose and trust in the universe.

Taurus is a time to find connection and energy with those around us. However, as is a Taurus tendency, we need to remain invested in our own growth rather than becoming too attached to a relationship or outcome.

5 Best Zodiac Stones for Taurus

Maintaining the willingness to love and defend those we care about is important, but we need to balance those feelings with confidence and trust in ourselves. Let these stones bring you harmony in Taurus season. 


 A true gift of those born under Taurus, loyalty and devotion emanate from them. Emerald works to keep this connection healthy, encouraging love while reminding Taurus beings to prioritize self-love, too. Emerald brings healing to old insecurities and betrayals so that we can continue to move forward. 

Rose Quartz

Zodiac stones for Taurus target the heart, given how much energy we invest in it. That’s why Rose Quartz is a quintessential stone for Taurus. It activates our heart chakra so we can open to forgiveness and trust.

Rose Quartz heightens our loving sense of self to gently release feelings of inadequacy in our abilities and our relationships.  


Because those in Taurus can give in to stubborn attitudes, Peridot helps counteract its negativity. Usually, stubbornness comes from our fear of change, and Peridot lets us embrace the excitement in what’s unknown.  

Blue Kyanite

In tending to others, we can lose ourselves and face disappointment from people and situations we invested in unequally. These moments can actually bring growth and awareness, and Blue Kyanite harnesses our intuition to allow us to confront and overcome difficult interactions. It raises our authentic voice by balancing the throat chakra. 


A final zodiac stone for Taurus, Malachite erases the fearfulness that underlies some of Taurus’s bull-headed nature. Malachite makes growth and transformation a thrilling adventure and encourages us to abandon comfort in exchange for the unknown.

How to Use These Taurus Zodiac Stones

Keep the moment of change and abundance as we transition through Taurus season. Here’s some ways to use crystals to open yourself to new experiences:

  • Decorate Your Home – Place crystals in every room to constantly circulate inspiration.
  • Wear Crystal Jewelry – Necklaces and pendants fortify our heart for love and connection.
  • Carry Crystals Everywhere – In your pocket or purse, these stones will inject energy and protection wherever you go.

Final Thoughts

Zodiac stones for Taurus provide us with a central core to find intimacy and trust in ourselves and those sent to inspire us. Let this season continue to carry you through transformation and growth, setting the stage for abundance and spiritual gifts. 

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